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Elder of Ziyon

    First Temple-era Seals with Biblical Names in Hebrew Discovered in Jerusalem

    The latest stunning finds from excavations at the City of David...

    UN Official Weeping for a Double-Amputee Terrorist

    For all we know, the disabled Abu Thuraya might have chosen to be "martyred" by his fellow Hamas members in order to elicit exactly this sort of reaction from the UN and world media.

    Tom Friedman: Congress Prefers Jewish Votes to Obama’s Iran Plan

    Friedman doesn't think anything bad will happen, and by gosh, that's all anyone needs!

    US Palestinian Groups Fundraising for “HEROES” Who Attack Jews

    Awawdeh said after posting bail that he does not regret attacking a defenseless Jew and would happily do it again.

    Palestinians Have a Thriving Export Industry, Netting them $Billions$

    The export is Jew-hatred....Understand this and you understand everything.

    No Matter What Happens with Trump, Obama’s anti-Israel Narrative will Take a Huge Hit

    With Trump's election, Americans will inevitably view the Middle East , and specifically Israel, differently because no one that shares Obama's worldview will remain in the White House.

    Iran’s Supreme Leader: Zionists Are Behind all Intra-Muslim Problems

    I particularly like how he positions the Syrian regime as a Muslim nation when it has been largely secular and anti-Islamist.

    American Logic (Eldertoons)

    It all makes perfect sense if you are schizophrenic.

    Jewish Agency’s History Destroys “Palestine was an Arab State” Myth

    Before 1948, the translation of "Palestine" was "The Land of Israel." Today's "Palestine" has nothing at all to do with Palestine before 1948

    Ongoing Arab Discrimination and Abuse against Palestinians since 1948

    Everybody hates the Palestinians, but their own brothers hate them the most.

    From Pharaoh to Space Lasers: Blaming Jews is the Original Conspiracy Theory

    Jews have been blamed for conspiracy theories from the very first moment of becoming a people.

    Palestinian’s Now Claim that the Western Wall is their MOST Sacred Shrine

    Literally every Jewish shrine in the Holy Land is claimed by the Palestinians to be their own, which is a hell of a coincidence.

    The Hezbollah Scenario

    It is doubtful that Hezbollah wants to start any attack on Israel.

    Did Jews Buy Land in Transjordan as EARLY as the 1870s?

    This may be a very neglected chapter of Zionist history.

    The Bahrain Workshop: Its Assured “Failure” is its Success

    Only when Palestinians understand that the world has changed and that they can no longer rely on automatic, reflexive support from their fellow Arabs can they even start to consider going back to the table with Israel.

    Arab Media Report ‘Antichrist’ Born in Tel Aviv

    It's not a pleasant sight, as you can see from the picture.

    “If we don’t get East Jerusalem, we’ll make sure there is no peace in...

    The Palestinians threaten that if they don't get what they demand, even if that demand - Jerusalem - has no basis in international law, they will make the world will suffer the consequences.

    More Evidence Gaza Death Statistics Not Close to Accurate

    This is at least the third report that shows the statistical anomalies of total reported deaths in Gaza, all from different angles.

    What Reporters Need to Know During Operation Protective Edge

    Beware of the "creative license" reporters and spokespeople take to claim maximal harm to Gazans by Israel.

    How Could Modern Orthodoxy Produce a Peter Beinart?

    So the question isn't how modern Orthodox Judaism could have produced Kushner, It is how modern Orthodoxy could have produced such a hateful, self righteous prig as Peter Beinart.

    No, Ukraine is NOT Gaza

    Only Israel-hating morons think it is

    Introducing New Human Rights Organization: ASHREI

    I don't know where this will go or if it will gain any traction.

    My Jewish Privilege

    The only time I feel completely comfortable is when visiting Israel. I am far less worried about being a terror attack victim there than a victim of an antisemitic hate crime in the US.

    Terror Groups ❤️ Amnesty International

    and, it seems Amnesty International ❤️ Terror Groups-a ❤️ match made in Durban

    The SodaStream Irony

    SodaStream supports Palestinian Arab families every single day, a lot more than any leftist NGO.

    Hate Crime RISE Against Jews in 2017 is MUCH Worse than Being Reported

    The difference between the ADL report and the FBI Hate Crimes statistics is that the FBI only includes actual crimes, while the ADL counts "incidents" which is a much broader category.

    The Cognitive War

    Reporting on the fighting as if it is a traditional war plays into the hands of Hamas, since controlling the news cycle is not peripheral but essential in cognitive war. While the West may just be waking up to the importance of cognitive warfare, Israel has been fighting it for a long time


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/elder-of-ziyon/we-are-family-the-secret-of-israels-success/2022/08/29/

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