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Shiloh Musings

    Is The Israeli Media Hyping for Early Elections, AGAIN?!

    News articles leave out the fact that Likud always done much better in elections than in the polls

    Today’s Persia, Purim in Our Time

    Many Jews in Persia considered assimilation the way to succeed and an easier life--What has changed?

    Trump Should be Cheered by AIPAC!

    The only topic Donald Trump has been rather quiet about has been Israel and the Middle East.

    Are Bibi’s Days Numbered?

    Though Bibi's approaching retirement age, he's younger than US Pres. hopefuls Clinton, Sanders&Trump

    Shiloh Musings: “PA” Arabs Clamor to Work in Israel!

    Claims that Arabs suffer working in Israel or for Israeli companies is just anti-Israel propaganda

    Shiloh Musings: Voting for HIllary because She’s a Woman is SEXIST!

    It's pretty pathetic to promote Hillary for her 2 XXs rather than top experience and accomplishments

    Shiloh Musings: Refreshing to Read Some Truth About “Palestine” sic

    They keep insisting that Mahmoud Abbas is a "peace-loving" moderate, which is a total and utter lie!

    Shiloh Musings: Age No Criteria When it Comes to Terrorists

    UN, Europe and NGOs teach Arab kids that Israel causes ALL their problems and they should kill Jews

    Shiloh Musings: Underage Arab Terrorists, No Surprise

    The brainwashing of Arab kids is generously supported by the EU, countless Leftist NGOs, and the US

    Trump Ahead, because He Voices What People Think/Feel

    Seems the "One and Only" Donald Trump voices the thoughts and emotions of America's "Average Joe"

    Shiloh Musings: How Dangerous is it Here in Israel?

    Arab terror attacks aren't Israel's greatest danger- Traffic accidents kill more people by far

    Olmert off to Jail- No Remorse

    Who could predict Olmert veering Left, spearheading the Disengagement and convicted of corruption?

    Shiloh Musings: Why is The Republican Party Shooting Itself in The Foot to Lose?

    The Bush-Republican Party would rather lose the WH than support the people's choice, Donald Trump

    The World According to Anti-Semites

    Anti-Semitism is the underlying source of numerous/all acts against Israel and Jews around the world

    Let Them Have The Kotel- If We Can Have Har Habayit!!

    It's time for Jews to have full religious and civil rights to hold Jewish Prayer on Har Habayit!!

    Shiloh Musings: The Myth of Israel’s Foreign Allies

    A "YES" vote to the UN Partition Plan on Nov.29, 1947 did not constitute being an ally

    Shiloh Musings: Bernie Sanders: Good for Israel or Jews?

    the "situation," in Israel as I do, don't vote Democrat. And I strongly doubt that they'd change their minds to try to put a Jew in the White House.

    Shiloh Musings: P.A. Cop Shoots Israeli Soldiers, Act of War?

    It's about time that Israel stops deluding itself about negotiating peace with the "Palestinians"

    Shiloh Musings: Has Labor’s Herzog Suddenly Gotten Smart?

    Did you notice that Herzog said unilateral withdrawals are dangerous?! Maybe he is catching on!

    Opening Night! Very Off Broadway

    A new play telling the exciting story of Avaraham Stern-man of letters and man of action!

    Shiloh Musings: What Do They Have Against Rami Levy?

    If Rami Levy paid his workers more 2 things would happen: Higher prices; he'd probably go bankrupt

    Shiloh Musings: Bibi vs Boogie: Good Cop vs Bad Cop?

    When Jews cannot live in homes legally purchased in Israel, there is a problem.

    Shiloh Musings: This Wave of Arab Terror Won’t be Over So Quickly

    Things began getting bad for Israel when Begin gave the Sinai to Egypt in the Camp David Agreement

    Shiloh Musings: Yet Again-Terrible Arab Terror!

    The terrible terrorist murder of Dafna Meir is so deja vu, isn't it? Again the world is silent

    Israel vs Sweden: Hotobelli Earns her Votes!

    After condemning Swedish FM Wallstrom, Hotoveli's performance as our Deputy FM has shown improvement

    Shiloh Musings: Ordinary Americans Like Israel

    I believe there's no country Israel can ever count on completely, including America

    Shiloh Musings: Will it be Trump versus Clinton?‏

    Will Trump go for a wily politician to counter his outsider status? Who will Clinton go choose?

    Brazilian Chutzpah, More of The Same…

    Brazil is being so rude and chutzpadik about the appointment of Dani Dayan as Israel's Ambassador.

    Shiloh Musings: Mainstream Media Distort Reality‏

    Headlines should focus on the fact Arab terrorists aim to kill Jews & destroy the State of Israel.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/shiloh-musings/is-the-israeli-media-hyping-for-early-elections-again/2016/03/29/

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