Billionaire Hamas Leader Haniyeh Forgoes Paycheck in Solidarity with Prisoners

Terrorist chieftain Haniyeh’s wealth is estimated at $4 billion.

Court Orders Deportation of Anti-Israel Activist

The Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday ruled that the work permit of Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch (HRW),...

Bennett, New Right Concedes Defeat

After days of conflict with the Central Elections Committee and demands for vote recounts, Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked finally close the book on Israel’s 2019 elections.

President Rivlin Receives Official Election Results from Judge Melcer

A disenfranchised citizenry is more likely to choose desperate measures than one that feels it is being heard.

Think Tank: Hamas Knows Border Riots Have Failed

Over the year, those Friday return marches became routine and the media lost interest in them.

Preliminary Investigation: Genesis Crash Caused by Sensor Sending Incorrect Message

If the sequence of events following the activation command had not occurred, the spacecraft would have landed safely.

Greenblatt Tweets Israeli Map with Golan Heights

The Romans absorbed the Golan into the province of Syria, but Caligula restored the territory to Herod's grandson Agrippa in 37 CE.

On Passover Eve Rockland County Bars the Unvaccinated from Synagogues

New York Civil Liberties Union Executive director Donna Lieberman said forced vaccinations were an extreme measure that “raises civil liberties concerns about forced medical treatment.”

Watch: Israel Destroys Home of Terrorist Who Killed Baby in Ofra Junction

Barghouti was killed during his arrest several days after the attack.

Israel’s Electric Company Signs Deal with General Electric to Build New Units Near Hadera

The first unit is scheduled to begin production in June 2022; the second is set to begin about six months later.

Williamsburg Parents Sue NYC Over Vaccination Mandate, Judge Sides With City

“We ... reject any unproven unscientific statements that contradict all available current science-based studies on vaccinations."

Report: East Broadway Building Housing UJC, Agudas Harabonim, Poilishe Shtible, Sold

120 years later, this major part of Jewish history has been downgraded to a miscellaneous religious facility in Chinatown…

Tel Aviv Ready and Eager to Host 2019 Eurovision Song Contest

In one month, Tel Aviv will host the 64th Eurovision Song Contest, the second most watched live TV program in the world and the cultural event with the highest ratings and largest international coverage to ever take place in Israel.

Rivlin Receives 61 Recommendations to Appoint Netanyahu

"Unity of the people, hugging, sympathy for one another is what's important, otherwise we will have fights inside the family."

Ocasio-Cortez Mad at Israel for Reelecting Netanyahu, Threatens Cutting Military Aid

The honorable Congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens is notorious for saying stuff she doesn't really understand.

Israeli Kids Discover 1,600 Year-Old Gold Coin in Galilee

The emperor Theodosius II abolished the post of the ‘Nasi’, the Prince of the Sanhedrin Council.

PA Wants Russians to Broker Peace Plan

Ramallah is ready for direct dialogue with Israel under Russia’s mediation.

Brooklyn Jewish Preschool Closed by Health Dept for Violation of Measles Vaccine Order

Since the emergency order was issued another 44 new cases have been reported, bringing the total number of cases in the city to 329.

‘We Will Rebuild Notre Dame, the Epicenter of our Life’

One firefighter was badly injured while fighting the blaze.

Gaza Terrorists Threaten Upcoming Eurovision Contest in Tel Aviv

“Implement the understandings if you want to be able to hold these celebrations.”

Cathedral of Notre Dame Collapses in Flames

Notre Dame welcomed between 30,000 to 50,000 visitors into its quiet, history-packed halls each day.

Israeli Scientists Print World’s First Vascularized, 3D Heart Using Patient’s Own Cells

The engineered heart completely matches the immunological, cellular, biochemical and anatomical properties of the patient.

Large Gas Discovery at Karish North, Off Northern Israeli Coast

"[This] further demonstrates the attractiveness of our acreage offshore Israel."

Former Peace Now Leader Condemns Israeli Occupation of the Moon

Yes, Yariv Oppenheimer had to be the proverbial kid who got beat up after school every day, no doubt about it.

Netanyahu Security Doctrine: Prepare for Ongoing Conflicts Rather than Large-Scale War

U.S. former acting National Security Adviser Jacob Nagel reveals nonclassified parts of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s published security and defense outlook. According to the doctrine, Israel is no longer threatened existentially.

Disturbing Study Shows a Third of Americans Think Holocaust Murders Exaggerated

66% of millennials are unable to state the significance of “Auschwitz.”

Gazan Woman Running for Office in Belgian Parliament

Belgium is the destination of choice for Arabs from Gaza, where their community currently numbers some 22,000 people.

Gazans Accuse Hamas of ‘Trading Children for Fish’

Hamas is losing its support in Gaza, and therefore has added more forms in which they can entice children to arrive at the border, including cash gifts.

Mothers of 3 Abducted Teens Will Be Honored on Independence Day

This is the first time since the establishment of the state that three people are honored with lighting a torch together.

Kachol Lavan Tell President They Won’t Join Netanyahu-Led Government

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said he had just been informed that his party had risen to eight Knesset seats at the Likud's expense.


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