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Fink or Swim

    Life is in Its Struggles: Dealing with the Tough Questions

    When the "offensive" statements in our Talmud were stated, no one thought they were offensive.

    The Insidiousness and Laziness of Guilt by Association

    Adegbile was not making a moral statement by representing a man convicted of killing a cop.

    Creative License When Interpreting the Bible

    When we are dealing in non-legal matters, we are no longer concerned with precedent.

    Don’t Believe Everything They Say About Us

    Human nature is such that hearing something over and over again for forty years will inevitably have an impact on the person.

    Rabbi Kelemen on Kids Leaving Orthodoxy (I Think He’s Wrong)

    Basically, the real problem is bad parenting. He calls it parental selfishness.

    Was Assimilation the True Enemy of the Maccabees?

    If the Syrian-Greeks were not pushed out of the land, Judaism would have been lost.

    Man-Made Meat? A fence for Wisdom is Silence

    The proper response for almost the entire population of planet Earth to these eternal questions about man-made meat is “I am not qualified to render an opinion on this matter.”

    A Song of Love, a Song of Life

    There is no song that tells the story of freedom like Shir HaShirim.

    Monsey Kosher Market ‘Integration’ Great Idea, Terrible Execution (Video)

    It’s really not that different than the situation in Israel with the charedim. Both situations need insiders to make the change happen.

    Lessons Orthodox Judaism Can Learn from Mormons

    Both communities value using books to study their texts, and digital devices are a less preferable way for younger people to study.

    What Should We Say On Billboards for God and Judaism?

    The Pope is saying that actions are far more important than faith. This is particularly ironic coming from Catholicism.

    Haredi Censorship of Torah

    Certain books are excised from the subscription, in order to reinforce an imaginary history where nothing was inconsistent with Haredi Judaism.

    The People Are Looking for Answers

    A rabbi who writes controversial things becomes international news.

    What’s Wrong With the Star-K Kosher Phone?

    A kashrus agency should be concerned with one thing and one thing only: the kosher status of our food.

    Will the Real Haredi Feminists Please Stand Up?

    Ruth Colian is running as a Haredi woman for political office.

    Abuse in New Square

    This kid gets a medal for coming forward.

    My Favorite Nelson Mandela Quote

    The world lost a great man last week.

    Why Do Rabbis Make Jokes at Serious Times?

    It’s even more strange when the jokes come at our holiest times of the year.

    Defenders and Benders of Roles for Genders

    Boys can play with dolls. Men can embrace their feminine side. Girls can play sports.

    Ami Magazine Forcing Gilgulim Down our Throats

    Trying to explain Holocaust deaths as tikkun and a way of cleansing a soul is offensive.

    Answering the Most Difficult Question About the Agunah Crisis

    Ethical and moral laws in the Torah depend on the context. Kindness and virtue largely depend on the subjective expectations of one’s friends and community.

    How Far Will Gershonides Go to Avoid Mystical Interpretations?

    In short, he says the whole thing was a prophetic vision, a dream. There was no physical battle.

    Two Different Tracks: Women and Tefillin vs. Women and Torah

    Women learning Torah is becoming increasingly permissive, but women wearing tefillin is becoming increasingly stringent.

    We Are Not Under Attack By the LGBT Community

    Orthodox Jews are free to teach Leviticus and we are free to deny any religious rights and privileges to anyone we so choose.

    Why Do People Leave Orthodox Judaism? Why Do People Stay?

    People act not because they think it’s right; they do what they do because it’s what they want to do

    When a Heretic Speak Heresy Against Heretics

    For deviating from the orthodox scientific position, Nagel has been abused, maligned, outcast, and insulted.

    Let’s Call Them Modern Chasidim

    The problem is that Tuna Beigel is a pejorative.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/fink-or-swim/life-is-in-its-struggles-dealing-with-the-tough-questions/2014/02/25/

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