Time for Israel to End the Occupation
West Bank annexation means losing the country's Jewish majority or imposing apartheid; inaction is simply too costly
Guilty Until Proven Innocent–and then STILL Guilty
Convict, and only then hold the trial and look at the evidence
Abbas Fools the World
European leaders refuse to face the reality that the Palestinians are led by a charlatan and pretend that organizing a peace conference will deliver the ever elusive peace agreement
Facebook’s Barely Concealed anti-Semitism
Does Facebook forbids all hateful language? Far from it, unfortunately. While insulting someone that many consider an anti-Semite is unacceptable, Facebook chooses to allow widespread anti-Semitic speech.
Christians Punish the Defender of Christians in the Middle East
By betraying the Jews of Israel, Christians are not only continuing a long history of anti-Semitism but also undermining tBy betraying the Jews of Israel, the world’s Christians are betraying the only state in the Middle East that protects Christians from extinction and are undermining their own heritage. heir own heritage.
Visiting Israel is a Privilege not a Right
Israel has absolutely no obligation to let BDS activists enter the country. There is no automatic right to enter any country that one wishes to enter. It is a privilege that must be earned.
Right and Left Must Fight Palestinian Threat TOGETHER
Israel’s friends and partners must be made to understand that Israel cannot indefinitely allow its future to depend on the whims of a Palestinian public that is no closer to accepting Israel today than it was 75 years ago when Israel declared its independence.
Arabs Who Do Not Love Israel are Fools
Instead of insisting on the failed and inane strategy of fighting Israel, the Arab world should realize that working with Israel is the answer.
Take a Hint: Palestinians DON’T Want a State
Once we recognize this obvious reality, let’s look at solutions other than a two-state solution
Another Anti-Semitic War Coming while World Looks the other Way Again
While the Lebanese terrorists’ phenomenal arsenal pointed at Israel is indication enough, the whipping up of hatred may be an even stronger indication that Hezbullah is itching for another war with Israel
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Can be Solved
It does not make sense to assume that all Palestinian refugees would move to a new Palestinian state. There are several possibilities for these refugees:
The Problem with the Metal Detectors? They’re Jewish
Metal detectors are used in many places in the world, including airports of course, but also Muslim places of worship. So why the big deal at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?
Why We Arabs MUST Speak Up
Brave words from an Arab who finds much in the Arab world disgusting, and much to be admired in Israel
The Inconvenient Truth About the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
As long as Palestinians are led by terrorists, reared to hate, and paid to be terrorists, the probability that peace will come from negotiations with the Palestinians is exactly zero
I Demand Lebanon be BANNED from the Olympics
If countries like Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and others cannot put aside their hatred of Israel, or any other country, at least for the duration of the Olympics, they should not be allowed to compete.
Why I Support the Israeli ‘Occupation’
Until Palestinian leadership accepts a Jewish state, there is no reasonable alternative to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. Unconditionally leaving the West Bank into the hands of terrorists obsessed with killing Jews is not an option.
Yes, I Had Fun in Israel while Palestinians Were Getting Killed in Gaza
It is not Israel that needs to change. It is not Israel that needs to be boycotted. It is the Arab world that needs to have a deep look at itself, how it behaves towards its own peoples and towards others, and how it needs to change.
My Affection for an Imperfect Country
But which country IS perfect?
Gazans Suffer the Consequences of their own Actions
The 2006 election of Hamas was not a mistake that Gazans have learned from, Hamas remains the most popular party in Gaza. Gazans therefore cannot be considered the helpless victims of terrorists,
The Fictional Abbas is an Excuse to Look the Other Way
Everybody knows that Abbas is lying, but almost everybody pretends to believe it because it allows them to maintain some cherished myths
As an Arab, I am Embarrassed by the Six-Day War
I am not embarrassed that we Arabs lost. We deserved to lose, and I cannot even think of the massacres that may have ensued if we won. I am embarrassed that we started the war in the first place.
Was it Ethical of Israel Not to Deport Arabs in 1948 and 1967?
The Israeli paradox is that while Israel is thriving as a nation, it has no way to achieve a permanent status as a state whose borders are internationally recognized. It is stuck in limbo.
Where Respectful Prayer is a Crime and Fanatical Violence is a Virtue
In other words, mere Jewish presence on the holiest Jewish site constitutes “defiling” in the eyes of even Israel’s Arab peace partners, and violent opposition to that presence is seen as virtue.
Airbnb’s VERY Idiotic Decision
Airbnb titles its decision “Listings in Disputed Regions”, but it mentions one and only one “region”, which it calls “Israeli settlements in the West Bank”. Apparently, the Airbnb “experts” are not aware of other disputed regions that Airbnb still services
Muslims should be Thankful to Have ANY Access to Al-Aqsa Mosque
If Israel had done what was in all fairness its right to do, Muslims would not today have had to worry about going through metal detectors to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They would not have to worry because no Muslim would be allowed on that ground and Al-Aqsa would have been desecrated and dismantled.
Nakba Day: Annual Reminder that Palestinians Learned Nothing from History
The Jews accepted the Partition Plan whereas the Arabs rejected it. In other words, the Jews chose compromise, and the Arabs gambled on war-and lost.
Zionism Belongs to Jews
While the Palestinian cause, sadly, is still today dominated by non-Palestinians, the Zionist movement has benefited from being driven by Jews and not by foreign parties and it must remain this way.
The Arabs’ Historic Mistakes in Their Interactions with Israel
Jordan integrated some refugees. The Arabs showed the world, as they continue to do, that their hatred towards each other and towards Jews is far greater than any concept of purported Arab solidarity.
Edy Cohen, or the Truth about Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands
Edy Cohen, was not born in Israel. He is a refugee from Lebanon. Unlike many refugees, he is not waiting for handouts or international sympathy. He has made a life for himself in Israel and advocates for Jewish refugees from Arab lands.
Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israel
Whatever the future holds, whether it is two states, three states, a single state, or a confederation of states, the futures of Israelis and Palestinians will be associated and interdependent