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    The Reem’s Protest in Oakland is Doomed

    Our enemies--whether on the Temple Mount or in San Francisco--are not opposed to using violence, quite obviously, in order to support their anti-Jewish agenda.

    Scientists Claim to Disprove Biblical Account of Canaanites

    All the study proved is Sidon was never destroyed and today's Lebanese descended from ancient Phoenicians--which everyone pretty much knew already. The DNA tests actually proved the Biblical account

    Shiloh Musings: 9th of Av Warning

    The State of Israel still refuses to be sovereign on not only the Temple Mount but the entire Land of Israel.

    A Soldier’s Mother: God’s Law vs. Man’s Law

    Two Israeli Temple Mount police broke the law…not Bibi’s law, not man’s law, but God’s law/

    Inspiration from Zion: What Victory Looks Like

    Yesterday we saw a hoard of ecstatic Muslims celebrating their historic victory over Israel. They had fought for sovereignty over the holiest place in the world for the Jewish people, in the heart of the capital of the Jewish State – and won.

    Shiloh Musings: Bibi and Likud Right? No, Wrong!

    Gd willing, there will be a miracle, and we'll finally have a true, reliable Jewish Leader who fears nothing but Gd Almighty. Gd willing, there will be a miracle, and we'll finally have a leader who will impose fully Israeli Sovereignty over the Entire Land of Israel

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Temple Mount and 97 Arabs

    Israel, unlike Jordan and unlike the Palestinians, practices freedom of religion and so we allow...read that again...WE ALLOW all religions...well, except Jews...to pray on the Temple Mount.

    Reince Priebus OUT Gen. Kelly New Chief-Of-Staff

    There had been growing tensions between Reince and new communications director Scaramucci who accused Priebus of leaking his financial disclosure information to the press then launched into a profanity-filled tirade against Priebus

    Ari Fuld vs. a Leftwing Activist

    Ari answers important questions in a debate with a leftwing activist.

    Tears of Happiness / Tears of Sadness

    Last week the country mourned along side the Salomon family. Today the country stood shoulder-to-shoulder to celebrate the entry into the Covenant of the Jewish people of the son born just the day before the tragedy

    Inspiration from Zion: What Happens AFTER the Terror Attack?

    If you lived in Halamish, what would you think of every time you walked past the Salomon home?

    The UN Does Not Want Palestinian Terrorists to be Held Accountable

    The new UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, following in the execrable footsteps of his predecessor, has become part of the evil machinery that cannot see the Israeli-Arab conflict from a position of clarity and fairness

    Reemed in Oakland

    Whether anyone likes it or not, the left is shedding liberalism and making a comfy cozy home of itself for antisemitic anti-Zionism.

    Ari Fuld’s Visit to Hebron [video]

    Ari Fuld discusses the Beit HaMachpeilah in Hebron.

    Dear World…

    Dear world: I hate to break it to you but each week the Palestinian people come up with another reason for their blood lust.

    Shiloh Musings: Must Keep Temple Mount Metal Detectors for Arabs

    There is nothing at all to negotiate here. And there is absolutely no need for any foreigners to come to help mediate. The metal detectors must remain in place, and Arabs must undergo exactly the same security inspections as anybody else!!

    Orthodoxy Needs a Legitimate Left Wing

    Orthodoxy must retain Jews in ways that do not compromise Halacha and do not cross the important lines of tradition. That is how the left wing of Orthodoxy used to be. but is no longer-and that is why a true left wing must emerge

    Some Thoughts About (another) “Day of Rage” and Honor/Shame

    Palestinians are completely defined by honor and shame. They are walking bundles of shame waiting for events to attach these "Days of Rage" to - because they want excuses to turn their shame into honor

    Mahmoud Abbas’s Particular Anti-Zionist Holocaust Denial

    The Abbas Holocaust denial does not focus on the number of Jews killed. He argues that the Zionist Jews were schemers. The Holocaust was a story of Zionist Jews against European Jews.

    The Problem with the Metal Detectors? They’re Jewish

    Metal detectors are used in many places in the world, including airports of course, but also Muslim places of worship. So why the big deal at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?


    The Arabs are not the main problem. It is the Jew bashing Jews. It is the Jews who coddle and encourage those who would kill us.

    The Three Jewish-Arab conflicts

    Muslims who believe that jihad for the sake of recovering land is praiseworthy--regardless of the means. In other words, the murder of the two policemen is not seen as immoral, but Jewish control of Muslim Palestinians is.

    What ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Means to Me

    Ari Fuld's hosts told him of Jews who were beaten up for wearing their Kipa. They told him to at least consider tucking in his Tzizit...

    A Soldier’s Mother: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem…and Our Sons and Daughters Today

    How is it possible that we are expected not to be insulted by their attempts to kill us, while still be expected to understand their insult at having to walk through a metal detector?

    Ending Apartheid in Israel

    The holiest place in the world for Jews is JUDENREIN on Friday and Saturday and can be “cleaned” of Jews without notice.--THIS is apartheid

    5 Ways Hezbollah Violates UN Resolution 1701

    Hezbollah continues to violate UN Resolution 1701 and international law, and is not stopping.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/israel-thriving-mike-lumish/the-reems-protest-in-oakland-is-doomed/2017/08/02/

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