Say It Ain’t So, Bezalel: Smotrich Blocks IDF Visit to Temple Mount

Does MK Smotrich doubt the ability of IDF soldiers to walk in a straight line?

Centrist Democrats Fighting to Push Back the Left Ahead of 2022 Vote

The solid base of the Democratic party is still moderate, still favors law and order does not want to defund the police, and certainly supports Israel.

Rabbi Recites Jewish Prayer as He is Sworn in to Western Australia’s Supreme Court

Rabbi Marcus Solomon, an experienced commercial litigator and arbitrator, on Wednesday was sworn in to the Supreme Court of Western Australia. He chose to conclude the ceremony “with an old Jewish custom” — saying the Shehechyanu Jewish prayer, which is typically recited to celebrate new experiences.

4 Arrested in Denver Yeshiva Student Murder Investigation

"No one has mentioned the victim’s religion or offered information indicating that they were targeting the school or the Jewish community.”

Report: Liberman’s Anti-Haredi Policy Largely Subverted by Justice Ministry

Anyone participating in Rabbinical or Dayan-halachic judge tests is actually learning a profession—and his children are therefore entitled to a daycare subsidy.

United Hatzalah Chief Slams Haredim Who Claim Training Women EMTs Violates Modesty

If the person requesting help is female, it would be more halachically correct that she be treated by another female than by a male.

Rabbi Pinto Received 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses, Hospitalized with Coronavirus Anyway

The public is asked to pray for the “great mercies of Heaven” for the healing of Rabbi David Hanania ben Mazal Madlan among the rest of those with sickness in Israel.

Memorial Prayers in Brooklyn for Yankel Rosenbaum on Hebrew Anniversary of Murder in Crown...

"Let's continue Norman's 30 year commitment to seek justice and keep Yankel's memory alive."

Historian Claims US Founding Father Alexander Hamilton had Jewish Upbringing

Professor Andrew Porwancher said he believes Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Faucette, who was born a Christian in the British Caribbean, converted to Judaism to marry a Jewish merchant named Johan Levine.

Israel, Jordan Ink Agricultural Import Deal for Shemittah Year

Ahead of each Shemittah year, the Jewish State arranges the purchase of agricultural goods from nations abroad.

Polish Appellate Court Throws Out Ruling Against Two Holocaust Scholars

It comes days after Poland passed a new law that sets a 30-year limit on restitution claims for property stolen by the Nazis during World War II, which has led to a row between Israel and Poland.

Report: Poland Mulls Termination of Israeli Youths’ Annual Visit to Death Camps

Israel's Foreign Minister: “Gone are the days when Poles harmed Jews without consequence.”

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon Elected Gush Etzion’s Chief Rabbi

Rabbi Rimon, 53, from Alon Shvut, who is one of the Yeshivat Har Etzion rabbis, was appointed as Gush Etzion’s chief rabbi. Gush Etzion Regional Council Head Shlomo Ne’eman said: “We congratulate Rabbi Rimon - his successes will be the successes of the council and all of our residents.”

Pfizer Chief: Bibi Was on Top of Everything, Knew Everything

Bourla is the son of Holocaust survivors. “I was never vocal about these things,” he told the FT.

Arab Villagers Present Anti-Semitic Fire Show Complete with Burning Swastikas

"Are the Palestinian rioters in Beita aware of what they are doing, raising the Nazi flag and supporting Hitler?"

Israel Up in Arms After Polish Parliament Passes Law Limiting Restitution of Property Lost...

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated the US is “deeply concerned” by the law and urged Duda not sign the bill into law or refer the bill to Poland’s constitutional tribunal.

Holocaust Survivors Urge California Legislators to Oppose Ethnic Studies Bill

Several web pages published under the heading “Preparing to Teach Palestine: A Toolkit” suggest the LESMC curriculum will be even more politicized, divisive, and antisemitic than its predecessor.

Ilhan Omar: AIPAC Attack Ads Put my Life at Risk

To remind you, in June, Omar tweeted, nicely mixing up all the players to create the mother of all false equivalencies.

Eastern Jerusalem Jews Discover their Dentist Was the Arab Who Attacked Them

"We were horrified to find out that the person who tried to attack us was none other than a licensed dentist who works at an HMO and runs an independent dental clinic."

German Prosecutors Prepare Dozen-Plus Cases Against Nazi War-Crime Suspects

“The passage of time is no barrier to justice when it comes to the heinous crimes of the Holocaust,” said Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Education Trust.

Heads Up: Senior Missionary Evicted from Southern Israel Reappears in the North, Still Preaching

Local residents pressured Australian missionary Andrew Lewis to leave Moshav Otzem in southern Israel a year ago.

Some 60 Percent of Jews in Australia’s Queensland have Experienced Anti-Semitism

Data gathered by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry showed that the number of anti-Semitic abuses reported this year has already matched the total number of incidents from 2020.

Zeldin Urges US Education Departments to Investigate Anti-Israel Bias in New York Schools

New York City Educators for Palestine wrote “it is vital that we continue to show our support for a free Palestine—and the more of us who can actively show our solidarity, the better protected we will all be from attacks by employers and union bosses.”

Cyber Experts: Criticism of NSO Likely Part of ‘Orchestrated Effort to Harm Israel’

What is raising suspicions for some is the identity of one of the key players in the accusations against NSO.

Former Israeli Ambassador Shevah Weiss Tells Polish Newspaper Poland Should Make Amends to Jews

"You must not create a new harm based on an old harm," Weiss told Rzeczpospolita.

Someone Should Tell IfNotNow: Birthright Cancelled Israel Trips

Birthright resumed its trips to Israel in May, having suspended them for 14-months because of the pandemic.


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