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PreOccupied Territory

    Palestinians Warn Annexation Will Spark Same Constant Attempts To Kill Jews As Always

    “Those consequences will be hard to discern unless we specify them, because they will consist of the same continued attempts to rid the territory between the River and the Sea of Jews.”

    New Party Just Aggregator Of Other Parties

    “Being an aggregator and posing as something original isn’t even original,” he added. “Tzipi Livni did it first.”

    Summer: De Blasio Uncharacteristically Opposed To Sending Jews To Camps

    A spokesman for De Blasio’s all-white, all-male public relations team declined to address the mayor’s uncharacteristic opposition to Jews in camps.

    Sire, Haman’s Lottery For When To Kill The Jews Promotes Gambling

    Sire, just because Eilat is considering legalizing gambling, doesn't make it good for Shushan!

    Jews Worthy Of Third Temple For Centuries Already; Bureaucracy, Contractor Delaying Work

    "certain unnamed contractors who continue to claim they need fees to cover various zoning variances and building permits for the Third Temple and other, associated facilities, when in fact no such fees were stipulated in the contract.”

    Non-Arab Iran Willing To Fight Israel and the West Down To Very Last Arab

    We are fighting a fight of survival. But it’s not our survival that’s at stake. We’ll be fine. Can’t say the same for the Arabs of the region, though.”

    Only Possible Conclusion From Unpopularity Of Party’s Ideas: Voters Stupid

    “Essentially, the people are wrong for thinking Palestinians trying to kill us means we shouldn’t give Palestinians greater capacity to kill us,” explained Chairwoman Zahava Gal-On.

    France Vows To Protect Remaining Un-defaced Jewish Tombstone

    Police will reassign officers who until now have guarded synagogues, yeshivas, and other Jewish community institutions.

    Abbas Honors Pigeon That Pooped On Netanyahu’s Motorcade

    The defecation took place last week, as Netanyahu’s motorcade made its way through Jerusalem. Bibi has had it tough with birds: Obama compared him to 'chickensh*t' and now this. How FOWL!

    Eclipse Distraction So Successful, Mossad Plans More

    “We’re chuffed to bits,” gushed a section chief in uncharacteristic exuberance.

    Ayatollahs Realize US Would, By Contrast, Veto Any UN Resolution Against Iran

    “Obama.’s been angling to abandon Israel since before he took office.”

    Maggid Of Mezeritch: Gebrochts An April Fools Prank Gone WILD!

    My friends and I were sure that our disciples, who were learned men, would get the joke, that Gebrocht was an April Fools prank and that would be the end of that. But it didn't happen that way.

    Israelis Hoping Livni Accepts UN Post So She Can Bring That Organization Down Too!

    Israelis look forward to Livni’s eventual impact on the UN, which, if Livni’s record serves as an indicator, will descend into irrelevance and impotence.

    God Fails To Get J Street’s Approval Before Promising Land To Jacob

    Ben-Ami insisted that American Jewry in general, but especially his organization, must have a say in what happens from "the River of Egypt to the River Euphrates."

    Therapist To Help Hamas Men In Collapsed Tunnel Who Feel ‘Trapped’

    Feeling "trapped" and "no light at the end of the tunnel" has led to depression among Hamas diggers

    Unsold Purim Costumes Repackaged As Passover ‘Cereal’

    The complete lack of food ingredients makes Rabbinate certification as kosher-for-Passover a formality.

    Haredim Puzzled By World’s Use Of Sukkah Decorations In December

    Sukkah tinsel decorations enjoy a robust market but are invariably manufactured for "another"holiday

    Khamenei Disappointed Not To Be Named Part Of Biden Transition Team

    The Ayatollah grew to think he established almost a birthright to shape US Iran policy during the Obama administration.

    AOC: Make Poverty Illegal

    “If we want our children safer in school, in the streets, and at home, we need to ban firearms; if we want our children to have enough to eat and a comfortable life, we need to ban poverty.”

    Palestinians Hoping Biden Will Remind Jews Not To Be So Goddamn Sovereign

    “If the Jews of Israel want to live a normal existence, they have to forfeit the security that everyone needs in order to live a normal existence.”

    Palestinians Mull Plans For When No Holocaust Survivors Left To Stab

    From the Arab perspective, the future of Holocaust-survivor-stabbing is bleak, and that replacements for it will not carry the same power.

    Man Torn Between Wanting Return To Normal And Having Excuse Not To Go To...

    “I’m not looking forward to when things open up and my wife starts asking why I’m not going.”

    COVID Guidelines Almost As Coherent As Case For Palestinian Statehood

    “We find slightly more support for the idea that Israel should rely on existential enemies to help guarantee its security.”

    Israel Quickly Hides Dams To Undermine Gaza Flood Claims

    It was in fact Israel, not Palestinians or journalists, who began spreading the older photos, in order to generate credibility for the “slander” angle.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/preoccupied-territory-blogs/palestinians-warn-annexation-will-spark-same-constant-attempts-to-kill-jews-as-always/2020/06/29/

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