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Larry's Letters

    Larry’s Letters”: Thoughts on Proportionality

    my prescription for how Israel can respond more appropriately

    Larry’s Letters: In a Tough Neighborhood

    Israel's newest “war crime” is “killing” Palestinian prisoners with the ‎Coronavirus," "Snow fell in Jerusalem “to clean it” of Israeli “filth”. And that's just this month.

    Larry’s Letters: Defending the Speech of Jew-hating Students

    If a student paraded around carrying a sign stating, 'N*****s back to slavery,' what would you do?

    Larry’s Letters: Testing the Direction of J Street

    Trying to understand the J-Street position on Israel and the Palestinians

    Larry’s Letters: Your Refusal to Attend the AIPAC Conference

    You went to the American Islamic conference where many attendees think of Jews as people who worship ‘Benjamins’. That kind of racism you can support, but American Jews who support Israeli settlements violate your principles? Please.

    Comments from the Daily Deluge

    The bottom line is that the Palestinian Arabs have done nothing to assist the African American struggle. What they have done is to appropriate the struggle to bring attention to their own situation. The Palestinians are skilled victims and know a good opportunity when they see it. Blaming Jews for their ills has been in the Islamic playbook for 1000 years.

    Larry’s Letters: Israeli Strike Targeting Hamas Military Leader

    By now, the Washington Post should be able to provide accurate statistics.

    Larry’s Letters: Democracy and Dead Dogs

    Netanyahu's election revealed the vitality of Israel's democracy as losing candidates and heads of state congratulated the winners and not a single outgoing politician refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power.

    Larry’s Letters: Ben Gerstein Censured for anti-Palestinian Comments

    We didn’t realize that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been suspended at Ann Arbor and wonder if other Amendments like the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery will be negated by Michigan U’s student censors.

    Larry’s Letters: U of T Graduate Student’s Union Rejects Kosher Food because it is...

    If you really cared about human rights, why have you not voted against Chinese food to protest China’s decimation of the culture and religious infrastructure of its Muslim minority. Why are you not as interested in China’s Muslims as you are in Israel’s Muslims? I think I have the answer and it’s not complimentary to your group.

    Larry’s Letters: World Rugby Supports South Africa Banning Israeli Ruggers

    For a sport that presents itself as played by bold, rugged, fine-tuned athletes, your response to South Africa's banning of the Israeli team was craven.

    Larry’s Letters: Biden’s Bellow at Bibi

    Appropriate penalties for Biden to consider

    Larry’s Letters: Jewish Democratic Council of America: Re: Dershowitz Column

    Perhaps you are aware that Jews comprise slightly over 2% of America's population but suffer over 50% of America's hate crimes. It would appear that some of these hate crimes are carried out by people of a certain culture who consider the establishment of a Jewish country in the Middle East a calamity (nakba).

    Larry’s Letters: Jerusalem IS the Capital of Israel

    Maintaining that East Jerusalem, indeed all of Jerusalem, is not Israel's capital until the Palestinians are satisfied gives terrorist groups like Hamas a veto over Australia's foreign policy.

    Larry’s Letters: Supportive Letter to Independent Jewish Voices Canada

    It is very important for Jews to stand up for the dignity and freedom of the Palestinian people. Your work should be supported. But if you feel a responsibility towards the Palestinians, then you have an obligation to help them prepare for a just peace.

    Larry’s Letters: The Occupation

    So how has the caring community been duped into accepting the occupation scam? How can people agree that the entire country of Israel no matter in which configuration belongs to the Arabs?

    Larry’s Letters: Questions from a Friend

    My question is, is there anything other than national suicide that Israel can do to help their adversaries wash out the shame of the establishment of a Jewish state on land claimed by the Arabs as their own?

    Larry’s Letters: The “Beautiful” Palestinian Culture

    If the Palestinian Authority reflects the Palestinian culture, then how would you judge the PA providing handsome pensions to families who have members living or dead who attempted to kill or actually killed Israelis?

    Open Letter to Ice Cube

    Goodman and Schwerner are not the only Jews to have given their all to free the blacks. The history of Jewish labor leaders helping black workers is vast and well worth looking into. Your anti-Semitic memes on Twitter suggest that you are unaware of the heroic actions of Jews putting their lives on the line for their black brothers.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/larrys-letters/larrys-letters-thoughts-on-proportionality/2023/07/09/

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