Zachary Baumel Has Returned Home to Israel
Gantz said, "I prefer to endanger my troops rather than the lives of enemy civilians. That is the moral choice" This insanity must change and I believe it will. The days of the Gantz' and the very non-Jewish thinking elites are numbered.
“Ramadan Kareem”
Ramadan is SUPPOSEDLY a month of introspection & repentance; yet attacks on "Infidels" skyrocket
It Happened this Morning
In Israel Arab MKs have determined the path of the Jewish state at some of its most vital junctures like Oslo and the expulsions of Gush Katif and Shomron.
Arab votes decided.
Guiding the Druze
In 1948 Druze were the bottom of Arab society; By working with Israel, today they're envied by Arabs
Israeli or Jew?
Israelis are drifting wider apart on where the moral boundaries on when soldiers are to "fire" are to be drawn. This debate is rapidly escalating where it has long been pushed under the carpet.
I knew I was witnessing an historic moment. Many praised it as the best of Zionism. I knew it wasn't
Purity of Arms
The soldier who finished-off the snake last week, has more Jewish morality in his little trigger finger than all the IDF manuals based on anything but Jewish morality, tradition and law.
Mahmud loves Moral
The media dumped on the "Lehava" people as extremist - racist and should mind their own business.
Post-Purim miracle
The media, academia and entertainment joined to unseat their nemesis, in a "just not Bibi" campaign
Jewish Lives Matter: Detained Minor: “A Policeman Punched me.”
Which is worse: A Jewish cop beating a Jewish teen for moving his lips in prayer on the Temple Mount, or an Arab cop doing the same?
What made Germany open the gates to hell, sacrificing its nation to a horde?
Not used to being challenged, the Left's "culture monopoly" howled; Their role is to dictate "taste"
Is the truth about the enemies amongst us so unpleasant and unwelcome that we rather continue the charade than face it honestly?
Isn't it actually rather poetic how Europe, that has done so much to hurt Jews and it's only tiny, embattled country, is reeling from the same terror that they abetted.
Corned Beef
In the near future, Jews remaining in the US not yet totally assimilated will begin to feel ISOLATED
Just a Thought…
When my cousin Rabbi Kupinsky was beheaded by Arabs this year in Har Nof his killers were celebrated
The Price of Removing the Blinders
I was allotted 1 1/2 hours of the law school's 10 day program to present the "Jewish nationalist side"
‘Too Jewish’ to Pray on the Temple Mount
I was warned not to pray or make any trouble.
A vile comparison from the mouth of the man who led the expulsion of Jews from their homes.
David HaMelekh May have been a Warrior, but he was NO PC Warrior
David was NOT PC. He was not as sensitive or sophisticated as some of our "progressive" teachers today. If King David lived in our generation with those same outmoded ideas, he would be shunned and mocked by "sophisticated" Jews.
Enemy #1
Once any Jew could walk anywhere in the land and feel awe from our Arab neighbors. Today, no longer.
Pintile Yid
What I would like to understand is why Western Jews who made Israel their home, will vote for the post Jewish camp.
Do not even think of saying a critical word about Peres for the foreseeable future. Israel's democracy and freedom of expression goes only so far...
Explosive Thinking
So do I shed a tear when my enemy falls? No, I read the Psalms with joy that praise God for just that.
Holy Sticks
If some Israeli cops got a Jewish education & learned to love Jews, Israel would be a better place
The Druze factor
If IDF troops couldn't quash an Arab riot, a Druze manned jeep often was enough to disperse rioters
The Cost of Peace?
"If you can't negotiate with your enemy, why negotiate at all?" Great sound bite. The press loved it
Some of Israel's most renowned authors and artists have made the pilgrimage to pay homage to Mr Barghouti and have lavished praise on him as the Nelson Mandela of the "Palestinian " people.
Turning the Other Cheek
There was a time when the humiliation of an Israeli soldier was not something that would dare enter the mind of our enemies.
Cousin Aryeh
I joined the large crowd but this time it was more personal; my cousin Aryeh was one of the victims.