Israeli Killed in Dispute over Blocked Parking in Brooklyn

Omri Dahan, 23, a former IDF soldier, arrived at his home on East 73rd Street near Avenue M in Brooklyn around 11:30 PM Monday, only to discover that a car was blocking his driveway, according to the NYPD.

Netanyahu Leverages Independent Kurdistan Against the Meddling Turkey, Iran

In July, when Turkish President Erdogan attacked Israel's security policy on the Temple Mount, Netanyahu issued a statement saying, "It would be interesting to see what Erdogan would say to ... the Kurds. Erdogan is the last one who can preach to Israel."

Israel’s Security Leadership to Washington to Fix Trump’s Syrian Ceasefire Blunder

Netanyahu treated the Trump move on Iran just as he had done the Obama pro-Iran move, by openly criticizing what has been the US President's most significant deal with Russia. To his credit, Netanyahu was unafraid to openly express his major disagreement with both super powers, after whispering it through quiet diplomatic channels had failed.

Guam Governor Says Island is ‘Prepared Like Israel’ For Any Potential Nuclear Crisis

"We are as prepared as any American community can be for a potential crisis," Guam Governor Eddie Calvo said.

IAF Maj.-Gen. Amikam Norkin Assumes Command

"The Israeli Air Force gives the IDF unprecedented strength. Our enemies cannot imagine its quality and scope."

Bnei Brak Pedestrian Bridge Collapses on Truck Killing Driver

The trapped truck driver and a passenger were believed to be conscious as medics arrived, but have since died.

Anti-Semitism in Europe is Still a Reality – Signs Tell Jews to ‘Shower Before...

"We must make sure that the punishment for incidents such as these will serve as deterrents for those who still harbor the germ of anti-Semitism."

Three Arab Jerusalemites Indicted for Security Offenses

Prosecutors have asked the court to extend the remand for all three suspects.

IAF Military Drill Set for Tuesday

The exercise is planned in advance as part of the army’s regular annual training program to maintain troop readiness.

Natan Scharansky, Yad Vashem Speak Out on Anti-Semitism in Charlottesville, VA

"These is no place for such hate speech or violence in any democratic society."

Shocking Video: Mother Teaching Children Terror on the Temple Mount

Watch a Muslim mother teach her children to shoot policemen on the Temple Mount.

Nasrallah Mocks Trump’s Ignorance of Hezbollah’s Role in Lebanon

Prime Minister Hariri, who is a power sharing partner with Hezbollah under Lebanese law, remained silent (not to mention embarrassed), but Nasrallah didn't hold back.

Netanyahu Wants Power to Declare War without Full Ministerial Support

The real reason for the amendment, as it turns out, is not so much about military know-how as it is about leaks to the media.

Acrimonious Exchanges between Residents and IDF Commander following Neveh Tzuf Massacre

It turns out the IDF divides the Judea and Samaria Arabs into four categories: "Violent," "deterred," "indifferent," and "appeased," and the Army is helpless to act when they crossover without any warning.

Arab Media: Israel Demolished Illegal EU Structures South of Hebron

Ironically enough, no such EU structures bearing the EU flag can be found in areas A or B, nor anywhere else in Bedouin communities throughout the Middle East.

Report: Peace Envoy Tony Blair Was on United Arab Emirates’ Payroll

"It is our view that, after seven years, Mr Blair's achievements as envoy are negligible, even within his narrow mandate of promoting Palestinian economic development."

Arab Family Sues Israel to Remove Jewish Families in Hebron from Beit Machpela

The property was inherited by several family members, and there allegedly is a question about the authorization of the person who sold it.

Palestinian Authority Says ‘No Talks’ With Netanyahu

“We were on the verge of an agreement” with Olmert, the PA official said, “but eventually he had to resign over corruption.”

Restraining Order Sends Dimona Nuclear Workers Back to Work

News of the strike was not made public until the back-to-work restraining order was issued.

Got a Driver’s License? Swap It in Israel, Effective Sunday

“This is about reducing bureaucracy," said Minister Yisrael Katz.

Mossad Warns Iran Expanding Control of Middle East

“Israel will continue to act determinedly and in a variety of ways to defend itself from these threats."

Meir Ben-Shabbat of Shin Bet Appointed to Head Israel’s National Security Council

"It is vital the National Security Council be a strong and vibrant body at the administrative and operative levels of our national security."

Report: Jordan Asks Israel to Delay Return of Embassy Staff

Jordan says the country complied with its international obligations by allowing the security officer to leave.

Bennett: I’m the Natural Right-Wing Leader on Day After Netanyahu

"In five separate polls published last week, we are gaining strength in every poll of right-wing voters.”

Bank Mizarahi-Tefahot Strike Enters Day 10, New Olim Hit Hard

New Olim using Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot can't finish their payments and move into their new homes.

Muslim Threw Concrete Block onto Israeli Police from Jerusalem Hospital Rooftop

The violent Muslim rioters were using the hospital as a sanctuary against arrest.

Turkey’s Erdoğan Promoting Tourism to Israel #ThyKudüseİndirimYap

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is calling on Muslims to visit the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in solidarity.

IDF Arrests the Halamish Terrorist’s Family Members

It is suspected they knew of the planned attack and did nothing to stop or warn anyone about it.

Birthright for Parents of Lone Soldiers

Naftali Bennett: Israel will bring parents of lone soldiers to Israel to visit their children and see Israel.


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