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United with Israel

    Record Number of Children Arriving on Aliyah Today

    Get out the lollipops: Nefesh B’Nefesh reports today’s El Al Flight LY 3004 has more children aboard than any previous group flight.

    Learning Peace Through Soccer

    According to Sivan Hendel of the Peres Center for Peace, 'Sports is an international language.'

    IsraAID Brings Relief to Victims of Oklahoma Tornado

    Every day, IsraAID is given a new assignment and they go wherever the victims are.

    Iran: ‘Construction Will Continue’ at Arak Nuclear Site

    The Obama administration has been touting its alleged rapprochement with Iran in recent months.

    Turkish-Muslim TV Commentator Goes to Bat for Israel

    Despite the risks, Ozbudak believes that 'someone should speak up and say the truth, so others can follow.'

    By the Law Among Nations, Jerusalem Belongs to Us

    Jordan’s annexation of the East Jerusalem was never recognized by the international community.

    Israel to Welcome Young Immigrants Joining the IDF

    Following their dreams, young men and women from North America start a new life in Israel, joining the Israel Defense Forces as “lone soldiers.”

    Standing in Solidarity with the Turkish People

    The present situation in Turkey illustrates perfectly the lack of freedom that exists within the country.

    Garin Tzabar: Helping Lone Soldiers Feel At Home In Israel

    Israel’s Garin Tzabar program, supporting ‘lone soldiers’ with no family in Israel, recently welcomed close to 360 young women and men from around the world into its care.

    The World Should Act against Assad

    Israeli intelligence reports confirm that Syria has used chemical weapons against her own people, yet the world does virtually nothing to stop the Syrian massacre.

    Jewish History in a Nutshell: Hebron

    Upon the conquest of Canaan, Joshua assigned Hebron to the tribe of Judah.

    Israel Aid to Africa Combats Poverty

    The Africa initiative includes an Israeli pledge of 24-million shekel ($6.8 million) to humanitarian relief in Africa.

    Radical Islam: The Real Roots of Conflict in the Middle East

    Sexual harassment and rape within Egypt has worsened under the Muslim Brotherhood

    Iranians Citizens Increasingly Support Peace with Israel

    Ahmadi criticizes Iranian leadership’s view of Israel as “little Satan” to the US’ “big Satan.”

    New Film Highlights Israel’s Strengths

    Hollywood blockbuster portrays Israel as a shining example, dedicated to safety, security, and helping other nations in need.

    Debunking the ‘Palestinians as Native Americans’ Myth

    In one anti-Israel protest outside of Nablus, Palestinians even dressed up like Native Americans in order to make a political point.

    Young, Hidden Polish Jews Discover Heritage in Israel

    While most surviving Jews left Poland after a brief return to search for relatives, some remained.

    Turkish Israeli Leaders Speak Out About Turkish Spring

    Two prominent Turkish Israeli communal leaders speak out about events in Turkey. According to Eyal Peretz, chairman of Arkadash, an organization promoting...

    Rich Legacy of the Sephardic Jews of Muslim Spain

    “Themes of exile and redemption are central to Jewish poetry, reaching new heights of poetic expression in the works of the Golden Age of Spain.”

    Rachel’s Tomb: A Jewish Holy Site Since Ancient Times

    The sixteenth century Arab historian Mujir Al Din wrote that Rachel’s Tomb was a Jewish holy place.

    Teen Victims Wrongly Blamed for Kidnapping

    Foreign Minister Liberman expressed outrage that some blamed the kidnapped boys for their situation.

    Mideast Expert: Little Likelihood of Syrian Attack on Israel

    Dr. Mordechai Kedar assesses the prospects of a Syrian attack in light of the U.S. president’s recent statements.

    Video: Jerusalem’s Best-Kept Secret

    Until you come to see it in person, enjoy Jerusalem’s Botanical Garden virtually via this video!

    Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Took Refuge in Ottoman Empire

    Turkey became home to Jews expelled from Hungary in 1376, from France in 1394, and from Sicily in the early 15th century.

    Modi’in and Hashmonaim

    Modi’in, now a thriving city of 83,000 and fast-growing, is often referred to as the “Land of the Maccabees.”

    An Epic Ethiopian Aliyah Story

    As bad as the situation was in Ethiopia, Asher said that the situation got even worse when the Ethiopian Jews arrived in Sudan.

    The Importance of the Negev

    Without the Negev Desert, Israel would be a small non-viable state, a fact which motivates anti-Israel activists to focus on it.

    EU Boycott Will Harm Palestinians

    The EU Boycott of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria is expected to adversely affect Palestinians.

    Tel Aviv: Protestors Gather in Solidarity with the Turkish People

    Some of the protesters are so dedicated to the cause that they have even gone to Turkey in recent days in order to show solidarity.

    Monitoring Professors Who Hate and Attack their Country

    The Israel Academia Monitor organization hosted a conference in Tel Aviv to raise awareness about anti-Israel professors who contribute to the delegitimization of Israel.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/united-with-israel/record-number-of-children-arriving-on-aliyah-today/2013/07/23/

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